About Us


Contact Us

By clicking Start Booking and filling out some basic info, we will confirm availability, go over the details and get back to you ASAP.

Confirm Shoot

Once we know we are available, we will lock-in the date and continue to communicate until the day of the shoot.

Production Day

We will meet up and complete the photo/video shoot.

Post Production

Leave this with us! We will work on editing your project until it is perfected and ready to be shared!


We will share the file with you via a digital dropbox link.


AC Visuals (ACV) is a sole proprietorship owned and operated by Aiden Chmelowski, BBA. 

Starting out as a self-taught creator, Aiden completed online film courses and a marketing degree at the University of Regina to further add value to ACV services. 

Applying both technical and creative approaches to each project ensures ACV is consistently producing high quality, engaging content for the viewer.



AC Visuals makes an effort to communicate throughout the entirety of the project to ensure your final product satisfies your needs.


AC Visuals pays close attention to the details. Using smooth camera motions and precise editing, the end product is guaranteed to be smooth and seamless.​


With drive that comes from a deep passion for videography, AC Visuals is committed to continually learning new techniques and skills to improve our offerings and abilities.


Turnaround time depends on the type and size of the video. A real estate video is edited much different from a car feature. The last thing we want is to sacrifice quality, so please contact Aiden directly for an estimated timeline for your project.

Yes! We are committed to meeting your expectations and want you to be happy with your video. Upon time of review, any revisions will be completed free of charge, however any additional revisions 5 days after first revision will require additional fees.

While AC Visuals mainly offers video services, we are able to / open to adding photos on to (most) projects (with some exceptions). Please be sure to mention if you want photos before hand.

Editing can include a variety of different tasks. The post production process typically flows like: sorting/filtering footage, finding copyright free music, re-timing/colour correcting videos, building a fluent storyline, cutting to music, adding effects/transitions, stylistic colour grading, sound design and multiple revision rounds! 

Pricing has many variables such as equipment used, time spent shooting/traveling, the time spent editing, timeline, and size of the project(s). This is why it is best to reach out to chat about your vision, as each project is different and can be priced in a way the suits your needs.

Have a project in mind?

Contact us today!

Whether the idea is fresh or fully planned and ready to be executed – we are ready!

Fill out the form below to get in contact with us.